This is by all means long overdue: a day late and a dollar short, but it has been busy times in the Landmine Marathon camp… Between touring east of AZ, NEMHF and LA Murderfest, we have been putting the finishing touches on new material that we are going to be recording this summer…
Lets start with the tour, this was an absolute blast and we need to make it out that way more often. This was our first trip out east since 2006. We WILL NOT let that kind of time lapse again!!! So here it goes (and I apologize if we leave anyone out, as we met so many awesome folks!)
Dave, Weeks, Stephanie, Harm’s Way, Lone Wolf and Cub, The Muzzler, Synhergy Ladies, Drew, Alex, Evan, Roboto, Complete Failure, AJ, Wizardry, Seizure Crypt, Robert, Misery Index, Salome, Drugs of Faith, Everyone in Richmond, Nara Sushi, wacky NJ for making a potentially horrible show great, Mutant Supremacy, Shrek Sandwiches, Book of Black Earth, EJ, John, Jordan and Duncan!!! Scott and everyone involved in making NEMHF happen, EVERYONE who came out and shows so much support. All the amazing food we ate and most of all Curran Reynolds for his endless “having our backs!”
A couple weeks after tour we headed to Los Angeles for the LA MURDERFEST 5.0, such good times and so many AMAZING bands… tops for us were Rotten Sound, General Surgery, Despise You, Eyehategod, Outlaw Order, Early Graves, Gorlock, and The Secret… so many great bands!!! Church of the 8th Day busted ass to make this weekend come together close to flawlessly. I am sure there was some behind the scenes “hair pulling. Definitely a thankless job… so THANKS DUDES!!! I cannot wait for version 6.0 thanks to the WARLORD CLOTHING crew for making some of the best and brutal-est T-shirts.
West coast tour to be announced SOON!!!!
Don’t forget to preorder our split 7” with The Funeral Pyre